Simply push the joystick forward and the assisted docking system establishes a straight path that your yacht will follow. Whenever, you can release the joystick and your yacht will remain in a fixed position. This will allow you to calmly consider your surroundings and your next move..

When you stay still, you can rotate the joystick to rotate around a fixed position. When you turn the joystick, you can turn small increments in any direction to improve your alignment without going off course.

You can then move your yacht near the dock by tapping the joystick in small increments. Then, You can fix your position against the spring by pushing the joystick to the side and activate the feature “Side Push” on your screen. This will help you keep your yachts in position against the dock while it is being tied up., or you let a passenger enter or turn off.

This boat is easier to navigate thanks to an impressive array of smart technology. The optional assisted docking system simplifies docking by eliminating wind and current dynamics and improves your control when maneuvering in tight spaces.. This is another reason why you will enjoy Riviera more.

Come aboard and discover more Riviera smart navigation technology at;